Zen Teachings on the Practice of the Bodhisattva Precepts
by Ven. Anzan Hoshin roshi, 1995
Book: draft edition*, 8.5" by 11", 94 pages, Cerlox binding
Ebook: PDF, 70 pages, 400K
"Kai, jo, e. Sila or precepts, samadhi or complete practice, prajna or wisdom. Call them what you will, these are the basis and the ground of healthy practice. They are also the Path itself. And the results? Well, they are also kai, jo, and e.
True practice can never even begin without a good foundation. A solid understanding of what it means to practice must be rooted in our actual living experience of what is wholesome and what is unhealthy, what is open or closed. Without this it is impossible to have the integrity and insight that will enable us to practice beyond the limits of convenience and to practice as is necessary in each moment."
- Ven Anzan Hoshin roshi, 1995
*Draft editions are made available so that you can make use of them before the formal publications take place. Slight variations might occur between them and the final published editions. They are not to be reproduced in any form without prior permission.