Classes and teisho on the practice of the Six Paramitas
by Ven. Anzan Hoshin roshi, 1995
Draft edition*: 8.5" by 11", 95 pages, Cerlox binding
"The following Dharma talks were given as classes to a small number of formal students in a casual manner and setting, and represent approaches to a truly intimate enquiry into our own natures. True questioning is often side-tracked by defensiveness, one-sidedness and struggle. The Mahayana schema of the Six Paramita or Perfections of practice describe how this basic questioning or complete seeing can refine itself until it can completely cut the root of the delusions of self-image. At that time, at this time, the ten directions and three times fall away and our original nature or Ordinary Mind is realized. And then our practice truly begins."
- Anzan Hoshin roshi, November, 1986.
*Draft editions are made available so that you can make use of them before the formal publications take place. Slight variations might occur between them and the final published editions. They are not to be reproduced in any form without prior permission.